NPA Rules

Section 1: Membership of the NPA

NPA membership shall run from the first day of January to the last day of December and is £50 per annum, irrespective of the date you join. In joining online you are agreeing that they are eligible to compete in the NPA, agrees to abide by all the rules set out in this document, and obey the required code of conduct. No refunds under any circumstances on membership entry fees.

To hold competitive membership to the NPA an athlete must fall within the eligibility criteria of a ‘Natural Bodybuilder’ set out by the NPA which is explained clearly in the rules. Anyone not meeting the criteria,  may still join the NPA as an Associate member (non competing membership).

To compete in any NPA competition, you must be a U.K. citizen, or have legal residence in the United Kingdom. Any competitor wishing to be considered for selection to compete in international competition must have a current United Kingdom passport at the time of the qualifying contest. Competitors outside of these criteria may apply to compete and each application shall be considered individually. (athletes with no suitable competitions in their home country with lifetimes natural criteria/ athletes wishing to compete with UNBA and have no affiliate competitions in their country of residence)

To compete in an NPA competition, you must be a member of the NPA at least 7 days prior to your competition. Online entry confirmation will confirm rules are met.

The NPA (including its officials) holds no responsibility for any accidental injury to its members in or out of competition, or for the loss or damage to any members’ property in or out of competition. The member agrees to this by joining online or sending membership form.

The NPA may, at any time, and without offering a reason, refuse any new applicant membership, and may withdraw membership to any existing member.

Section 2: Anti-doping regulations of the NPA

The NPA ‘Rules for Doping Control’ are in line with WADA guidelines. All NPA members should look on the Globaldro web-site at to ensure you fully understand what is on the banned list. It is not the responsibility of any NPA official to recommend any substance or product to any member, or to confirm to any member that any such product is allowable either in or out of competition.

Banned performance enhancers include all substances on the WADA list (anabolics, hormones, diuretics etc), non prescription Thyroid meds and sarms.

A failed drug test for all steroids, pro hormones, diuretics, growth hormones, peptides and other listed banned substances carries an obligatory lifetime exclusion from NPA membership. In the case of some stimulants, narcotics and medicinal substances, a shorter ban may be imposed at the discretion of the NPA, in accordance with WADA guidelines.

To be eligible for membership to compete in the NPA as a ‘Natural Bodybuilder’, athletes must have:

NEVER used any steroid class of drug, including banned steroid precursor drugs, growth hormones, chemical diuretics or peptides unless prescribed by a doctor for a bona fide medical condition and documentary proof can be provided of this, such as a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) certificate;

NOT used ephedrine, or other such stimulants in the year that their first membership to the NPA is applied for, and do not use it again at any time after the date that first membership is granted for as long as they wish to continue to compete in the NPA or be considered a ‘Natural Bodybuilder’ by the NPA.

Please note that any person who has used a substance previously listed as prohibited, which has now been removed from the list of prohibited substances (examples include caffeine, and oral ingestion of mannitol) will be eligible for NPA membership as of the first year that substance ceases to be prohibited.

Any person who has taken a substance, which has subsequently been added to the list of Prohibited Substances, will have their eligibility to compete with the NPA affected in accordance with the status of that substance once it becomes banned.

Failing without reasonable excuse to provide a sample, or refusal to do so after one has been requested, will result in a lifetime exclusion from NPA membership and disqualification from the event at which that sample was requested.

Once a drug test and / or a polygraph has been requested of an athlete, the subsequent procedure and administration will be carried out by the relevant officials, who will refer the results back to the NPA accordingly.

A failed drug test will result in the person concerned being required to return all trophies, awards, prize money and / or travelling expenses they have received in the season in which the failed drug test occurred. Refusal or failure to do this will result in legal action against that person.

All NPA members are advised to check any supplements they are not sure about through the Globaldro web-site at

You must check the ingredients of the supplement, and not the name of the said supplement. After doing so, and if doubts are still there, then do not take.

Section 3: Entry to and participation in NPA sanctioned contests

All entries must be received by the specified closing date. It is recommended that all entrants contact the NPA by e-mail or via Facebook messaging to check their form has arrived.

Classes for the 2025 NPA British Finals are;

Male: BODYBUILDING Juniors Under 21; Masters Over 40; Masters Over 50; Masters Over 60; disABILITY; Novices; Under 70kg; Under 78kg; 78kg+. PHYSIQUE Open and Masters

If there are 12 or more entries in the Novice class at a qualifier, then the class will be split by weight. For example, if there are 16 Novices, and 8 are under 80kg, and 8 are 80kg+, then that is where the split shall be. This split will apply for the Britain Finals too, should the numbers warrant it.

Female: Trained Figure; Trained Figure Over 40; Toned Figure; Toned Figure Over 40; Ladies Bodybuilding, Bikini, Masters Bikini over 40 (over 50s in each class subject to entry numbers)

If there are 12 or more entries in the Trained or Toned Figure or Bikini classes at a qualifier, then the class will be split by height. These classes will apply for the Britain Finals too, should the numbers warrant it.

Pro Qualifying Competitions 2024

British Championships 2024

Amateur Show

Pro Show- Night of Natural Champions

All NPA competitions with exception of British Champs / Pro shows shall have Best Transformation awards for male and female competitors (first-timers only).

All NPA competitions shall have Best Overall awards, male and female. For the female Overall award, the judges will decide which of the class winners is the most outstanding Champion in her respective class.

British Championships is Open, Pro Show is open to all NPA pros and any Natural Pro who has qualified as a Pro within a Natural Fed and is eligible for Lifetime Natural (confirmed by Polygraph)

Each competitor shall receive a competitors’ ticket at each respective competition.

Competitors in the Juniors (23 and Under) must be under their respective ages on the day of the Britain Finals.

N.B. Competitors must show proof of age (i.e. passport or birth certificate) on the day of the competition if competing in the Junior & Masters’ classes

Competitors in the Masters classes must be over 40/50/60 years of age on the day of their qualifying competition as of the 2024 season.

N.B. Competitors must show proof of age (i.e. passport or birth certificate) on the day of the competition if competing in the Under 23’s, and Masters’ classes

Novice Class (bodybuilding men) / Novice Champs (all categories)

A Novice competitor is one who has not won a novice show or placed in the top 3 in an open contest . Novice status will last that season if place top 3 but not beyond first season. Any competitor not placing top 3 shall continue to be classed as novice.

Competitors can not cross over between divisions, but may enter OPEN class in addition to their age, junior or novice class.

We no longer offer byes to the British Championships due to it being an open contest. We do however look forward to seeing former champions back on stage!

A competitor who has qualified for the British Finals in one weight class, shall compete in the weight class that he or she weighs in at on the day of the Finals. For example, a competitor may qualify in the Under 70kg class, but on the day of the Britain Finals, should he weigh in at 72kg, he will then be entered in the Under 78kg class. If more than 36 entries, classes may be adjusted.

Once a pro card has been awarded, the competitor can not change class (ie if develops from bikini to figure, physique to bodybuilding they need to re-quilify in the class they wish to move to)

Pro Cards with NPA do not prohibit athletes from competing with other federations.

NPA Pro card is accepted by UNBA – NPA Pros would just need to show proof of your pro card and join UNBA pro membership to compete with them.

All Ladies Bodybuilding and male competitors will be weighed at registration for all contests they enter. They will weigh in wearing a maximum of vest / t-shirt, trunks / bikini, briefs / underwear and socks only. There will be no exceptions to this rule. No competitor will be weighed out of public view unless in the company of at least two NPA officials.

Any competitor failing to make their intended weight will be given until the end of the weigh-in to try and make the weight, but will be weighed only once more after the initial weigh-in. Any competitor found to be indulging in any extreme or dangerous practices in order to try and make the weight will risk disqualification from the contest.

Athletes can qualify for a pro card in any OPEN  or MASTERS class British Champs. (Super Pro Qualifier) winners of each open class earn pro card subject to 3+ competitors in the division (card will be at judges discretion for classes with fewer than 3 competitors)

All other competitions (except Novice Champs) the Male and Female Overall Champions will earn the Pro Card.

Pro Status will commence in 2024 and for Masters 2025

Masters athletes earning pro qualification can continue to compete as an amateur until 2025

Section 4: Judging at NPA competitions

All NPA competitions have three judging rounds; each round counts for a third of the overall scores.

Bodybuilding competitors.

Round One.

Semi-relaxed quarter turns round. Front, back, and side stances.

Judges are looking for the best combination of shape, symmetry, balance and proportion, with aesthetic qualities. Feet must be kept flat to the floor.

Excessive twisting is not allowed.

Round Two.

Eight compulsory poses, which are:

1 – front double-biceps; 2 – front lat-spread; 3 – side-chest (either side); 4 – side-triceps (either side); 5 – back double-biceps; 6 – back lat-spread; 7 – abdominals and thighs; 8 – most muscular.

Judges are looking for the best combination of mass, separation, muscularity, shape, symmetry, and condition.

Competitors will be instructed to do the mandatory poses of Round 2 immediately following Round 1.

Each call-out will see the called athlete do the quarter turns and then the compulsory poses, and on completion of both rounds, will then be asked to return to the line-up. Judges will then mark both rounds individually on the sheet.

Round Three.

Free posing round. At all NPA competitions, posing shall be of 60 seconds maximum duration at qualifying contests, and at the British Finals.
Competitors are encouraged to display their physique to the best of their abilities.

In round three, it is important to note that the routine itself is not being judged. Judges will award marks in this round based on the physique presented to them.
In the Men’s classes, if a class has one entrant, he will be instructed to go on-stage with the next class, although he will not be judged against those in that respective class.

Trained Figure

The Trained Figure competitor should show a highly trained, balanced, shapely body, showing a good degree of muscle development with aesthetic qualities, exhibiting signs of training with weights whilst always retaining her femininity. The muscle groups should be round and firm in appearance, and the body should show a good level of muscle separation and condition; however, poses displaying muscularity (i.e. most muscular, side-triceps, abdominals & thighs) are not allowed.

Round One – Symmetry, Balance and Proportion.

Semi-relaxed quarter-turns round. Front, back, and side stances.

Judges are looking for the best combination of shape, symmetry, balance and proportion, with aesthetic qualities.

Front and back on, feet must be kept together; side on, feet do not have to be kept together, and legs can either be kept straight, or just slightly bent.

Feet must be kept flat to the floor.

Excessive twisting is not permitted.

Round Two – Shape and Tone.

Seven compulsory poses which are;

1 – front double-biceps; 2 – front lat-spread; 3 – side-chest (either side); 4 – back double-biceps; 5 – back lat-spread; 6 & 7 – any 2 front or side poses of your choice (but not most muscular, side-triceps, or abdominals & thighs).

Poses 1, 3, and 4 must be demonstrated with open hands.

Competitors will be instructed to do Round 2 immediately following Round 1. Each call-out will see the called athlete do the quarter-turns and then the compulsory poses, and on completion of both rounds, will then be asked to return to the line-up.

Judges will then mark both rounds individually on the sheet.

Round Three.

Free posing round. At all NPA competitions, posing shall be of 60 seconds maximum duration at qualifying contests, and at the British Finals.

Competitors are encouraged to display their Figure to the best of their abilities.

Gymnastic moves are optional but will not be marked up above any orthodox posing. The posing round is to display a competitors’ Figure to the best of the competitors’ ability – it is not a round that will be judged on athletic or gymnastic prowess.

Trained Figure competitors shall wear shoes in rounds one and two, but these are optional in round three.

Toned Figure

The Toned Figure competitor should show a toned, balanced, shapely body, with aesthetic qualities, exhibiting signs of training with weights whilst always retaining her femininity. The muscle groups should be round and firm in appearance, and the body should have a small amount of body fat, neither being too muscular or too lean.

The competitor should be free of deep muscular separation and striations.

Poses displaying muscularity (i.e. most muscular, side-triceps, abdominals & thighs) are not allowed.

Round One – Symmetry, Balance and Proportion.

Semi-relaxed quarter-turns round. Front, back, and side stances.

Judges are looking for the best combination of shape, symmetry, balance and proportion, with aesthetic qualities.

Front and back on, feet must be kept together; side on, feet do not have to be kept together, and legs can either be kept straight, or just slightly bent.

Feet must be kept flat to the floor.

Excessive twisting is not permitted.

Round Two – Shape and Tone.

Athletes will be asked to perform their favourite front, side and back poses, choosing from:

1 – front double-biceps; 2 – front lat-spread; 3 – side-chest (either side); 4 – back double-biceps; 5 – back lat-spread; 6 front or side poses of your choice (but not most muscular).

Poses 1, 3, and 4 must be demonstrated with open hands.

Competitors will be instructed to do Round 2 immediately following Round 1. Each call-out will see the called athlete do the quarter turns and then the compulsory poses, and on completion of both rounds, will then be asked to return to the line-up.

Judges will then mark both rounds individually on the sheet.

Round Three.

Free posing round. At all NPA competitions, posing shall be of 60 seconds maximum duration at qualifying contests, and at the British Finals.

Competitors are encouraged to display their figure to the best of their abilities.

Gymnastic moves are optional but will not be marked up above any orthodox posing. The posing round is to display a competitors’ figure to the best of the competitors’ ability – it is not a round that will be judged on athletic or gymnastic prowess.

Toned Figure competitors shall wear shoes in rounds one and two, but these are optional in round three.

Female competitors can wear any sort of bikini/costume they like, whether plain or sparkly, and have the option of wearing thong-type costumes.

No props are allowed.

Jewellery is allowed but not to excess – if the head judge decides too much jewellery is being worn by a competitor, then that competitor will be asked to remove some.

The jewellery should be worn to compliment the figure.


NPA are looking for competitors with slightly less muscularity and condition than a figure competitor, with an athletic, feminine, healthy look.

2 piece bikini , jewelry allowed, Shoes – any clear heel.

Round One. Quarter Turns – Shape, Symmetry, Proportion

Semi-relaxed quarter-turns round. Front, back, and side stances.

Judges are looking for the best combination of shape, symmetry, balance and proportion, with aesthetic qualities, overall package is judged.

Front and back on, feet no wider than hip distance apart; feet facing forward, hips can be tilted to one side, one hand on hip, one out to side. Side on, front or back leg bent, back arm on hip, front arm down to side or slightly out to side. Rear pose, feet no wider than shoulder distance apart, hands can be placed in front of legs or one or both hand on hip or both hands out to side or down.

Round Two Stage walk (Overall Package, showmanship, stage presence, personality, flow and grace)

Athletes enter stage and pause mid back of stage- perform one front r side pose, walk to X at front middle of stage and perform a set of quarter turns, then take their place in the line up at back of stage

Athletes may be asked to turn and walk to rear of stage and hold rear pose, turn and walk to front.

Wellness Category

NPA are looking for competitors with more dominant lower body than upper. Upper body similar to bikini, and with an emphasis on muscle density of quads, hamstring and glutes (inverted V shape) with an athletic, feminine, healthy look.

2 piece bikini , jewelry allowed, Shoes – any clear heel.

Round One. Quarter Turns – Shape, Symmetry, Proportion

Semi-relaxed quarter-turns round. Front, back, and side stances.

Judges are looking for the best combination of shape, symmetry, balance and proportion (in line with class criteria) , with aesthetic qualities, overall package is judged.

Front and back on, feet no wider than hip distance apart; feet facing forward, hips can be tilted to one side, one hand on hip, one out to side. Side on, front or back leg bent, back arm on hip, front arm down to side or slightly out to side. Rear pose, feet no wider than shoulder distance apart, hands can be placed in front of legs or one or both hand on hip or both hands out to side.

Round Two Stage walk (Overall Package, showmanship, stage presence, personality, flow and grace)

Athletes enter stage and pause mid back of stage- perform one front r side pose, walk to X at front middle of stage and perform a set of quarter turns, then take their place in the line up at back of stage

Athletes may be asked to turn and walk to rear of stage and hold rear pose, turn and walk to front.

All NPA competitions have three judging rounds; each round counts for a third of the overall scores.

Bodybuilding competitors.

Round One.

Semi-relaxed quarter turns round. Front, back, and side stances.

Judges are looking for the best combination of shape, symmetry, balance and proportion, with aesthetic qualities. Feet must be kept flat to the floor.

Excessive twisting is not allowed.

Round Two.

Eight compulsory poses, which are:

1 – front double-biceps; 2 – front lat-spread; 3 – side-chest (either side); 4 – side-triceps (either side); 5 – back double-biceps; 6 – back lat-spread; 7 – abdominals and thighs; 8 – most muscular.

Judges are looking for the best combination of mass, separation, muscularity, shape, symmetry, and condition.

Competitors will be instructed to do the mandatory poses of Round 2 immediately following Round 1.

Each call-out will see the called athlete do the quarter turns and then the compulsory poses, and on completion of both rounds, will then be asked to return to the line-up. Judges will then mark both rounds individually on the sheet.

Round Three.

Free posing round. At all NPA competitions, posing shall be of 60 seconds maximum duration at qualifying contests, and at the British Finals.
Competitors are encouraged to display their physique to the best of their abilities.

In round three, it is important to note that the routine itself is not being judged. Judges will award marks in this round based on the physique presented to them.
In the Men’s classes, if a class has one entrant, he will be instructed to go on-stage with the next class, although he will not be judged against those in that respective class.

Classic Class

Attire: short plain back  shorts (not lose fitting or bodybuilding posing pants)

NPA are looking for an aesthetic build, with an emphasis on broad shoulders, narrow waist and powerful legs. Emphasis of Shape symmetry, proportions and balance over muscularity / condition.

Round 1 Quarter Turns

Athletes will perform quarter turns

Round 1 Mandatory Poses

Athletes will perform the following poses; front double bicep, side chest, rear double bicep, Side Tricep, Abs and Thigh, 1 or 2 of your favourite classic poses

Round 3 Posing Routine 60 seconds to their chosen music. Showcasing classic style posing and graceful presentation.

Mens Physique

NPA are looking for athletes with good upper body development and sharp conditioning, tight waist (V Taper) and developed legs. The emphasis is on the upper body. Athletes should displace grace and flow in transitions and show good stage presence.

Competition board shorts, not covering knees.

Round One. Quarter Turns – Shape, Symmetry, Proportion

Semi-relaxed quarter-turns round.

Judges are looking for the best combination of shape, symmetry, balance and proportion, with aesthetic qualities, overall package is judged.

Front and back on, feet no wider than hip distance apart; feet facing forward, hips can be tilted to one side, one hand on hip, one out to side. Side on, front or back leg bent, back hand on hip, front arm out to side. Rear pose, feet apart showing calf, hands can be placed one hand on hip or both hands out to side.

Round Two, Stage Walk (Overall Package, showmanship, stage presence, personality)

Athletes enter stage and pause mid back of stage- perform one front or side pose, walk to X at front middle of stage and perform a set of quarter turns utilizing any poses of choice (open handed style), then take their place in the line up at back of stage

Judges will place competitors down to sixth place, and all remaining competitors shall be placed seventh. The competitor with the lowest combined score will place first. All contestants who place out of the top 6 will receive a placing of joint seventh.

Medals / Trophies awarded to top 3 athletes

In the event of a tie, the competitor with the lowest places once the deleted scores have been re-added will be placed higher. For example, two competitors both have seven points each to tie for first. Their respective deleted top and bottom scores are added back in, so Competitor A may have had 7 points initially, but with his / her deleted scores added back in, he / she now has 12 points. Competitor B may have 13 points once his / her scores have been re-added, therefore Competitor A places first. If there is still a tie after this, then whoever has won the most rounds between the tied competitors will place higher. For example, Competitor A may have placed higher in rounds 1 and 2 than Competitor B so Competitor A will get the overall higher placing. If there is still a tie, the Head Judge shall decide the placings (which will be based on their own score, if judging the class themselves).

When judging the Overall, all judges shall mark from first to last place. The competitor with the lowest total points shall be the winner.

Athletes in the overall are judged on who most closely matches their divisions criteria- not compared with each other.

All NPA judges are expected to judge fairly and impartially. They do not, and will not, allow personal associations with any competitor influence their judging decision; any judge found to be in breach of the judging guidelines or performing inadequately or incompetently will be subject to misconduct proceedings.

Section 5: Code of conduct for NPA members and officials

All members and officials of the NPA shall observe and follow a proper code of conduct i.e. at competitions and on the internet, in that they will refrain from personal attacks and insults either verbally or in writing, and that physical confrontation towards fellow athletes, members and officials will not be tolerated in any way. Overtly unsportsmanlike conduct and / or behaviour in or out of competition on or off stage will also not be tolerated in any way.

Members and / or officials of the NPA who breach the above code of conduct, or bring the association into disrepute in any way, will be suspended immediately from competing and / or officiating with the NPA. This will be prior to, and pending a review of the incident. Any penalty levied following this hearing will be open to appeal.

All complaints, and reports of misconduct of any type by any member or official of the NPA, must be tendered in writing to the NPA and will only be accepted from other members or officials of the NPA. Anonymous complaints or reports, or those tendered by persons not associated to the NPA, will not be accepted.

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If you would like to discuss any of the above rules, please fill out the contact form and we’ll get back to you asap.

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